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¿ä¾à Objective : This study examined xerostomia of Hansen`s people wearing dentures, their perceived oral health as well as how their general characteristics and xerostomia affected their perceived oral health Methods : A total of 100 subjects, who were 65 years or older and used in the sorokdo national hospital, were enrolled in this study. A survey and oral examination were carried out through a separate interview from July 1 through to July 30, 2015. A x2-test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and linear regression analysis were used to analyze the data using the SPSS program. Results : The number of natural teeth in the group of people under and over 74 was 9.92 and 7.01, respectively. The percentage of elderly people who were complete and partial dentures was 45,9% and 39.4% respectively. 48.2% and 31.1% of the elderly adults perceived their oral health to be moderate and poor, respectively. Regarding xerostomia, the subjects achieved a mean of 7.87 out of a maximum 12 points. Moreoverthose who were older and had fewer natural teeth felt that their xerostomia was more severe. The subjects xerostomia and perceived general health had a significant impact on their perceived oral health. Conclusions : These results highlight the need for oral health programs to help hansen's people retain more of their natural teeth.
¡Ø Key Words : hansen's people wearing denture, perceived oral health, xerostomia