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÷ºÎ 2014-4³ªÇÐȸÁö2014 - ÃÖÁ¾.pdf
¿ä¾à Association between perception of dry mouth and pre and post-wearing denture satisfaction in the Hansen people.

Dong-Chan Oh D.D.S*, Young-Tag Lee, Sung-Lim Lee, Jin-Ah Jung, Hyun-Chul Song, Young-A Youn, Kill-sam Kim, Jeong-Hee Choi, Eun-Kyoung Go

National Sorock Hospital*, Gwang Yang Health College

Objectives. This study investigated on the severity of dry mouth in the hansen people and the association between dry mouth(low, moderate and high) with pre and post wearing denture satisfaction.
Methods. Data were obtained from a cross-sectional survey of 104 hansen people(mean age=69.3). Data were collected by means of a personal interview from April 30 through to Jane 20, 2014. Pre and post wearing denture satisfaction was measured by the 24-items and dry mouth was measured by the 4-items. The data was analysed with t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Logistic regression using the SPSS program.
Results. Regarding perception of dry mouth, the subjects achieved a mean of 6.13 out of a maximum 12 points. Scores were categorised as high(8¡­12), medium(5¡­7) or low(1¡­4) and the proportion were 24.5%(9.56), 42.2%(5.81) and 33.3%(4.00) respectively. Those who were older and had fewer natural teeth felt that their perception of dry mouth was more severe. A logistic regression analysis showed that the subjects perception of dry mouth had a significant impact on their gender (OR=2.73), comfort (OR=0.21), aesthetic appreciation (OR=7.56) satisfaction.
Conclusions. Based on the findings, the perception of dry mouth has a significant and negative impact on denture satisfaction. These results suggest that oral health promotion should be considered various factors related dry mouth in the elderly with removable denture

Key Words: denture satisfaction, dry mouth, Hansen people