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ÀúÀÚ ¿Àµ¿Âù, ÀÌ¿ëŹ, À̼º¸² ¿Ü ¼Ò¼Ó ±¹¸³¼Ò·Ïµµº´¿ø
³âµµ 2012 ±Ç 45
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½ÃÀÛÆäÀÌÁö 53 ³¡ÆäÀÌÁö 66
÷ºÎ ³ªÇÐȸÁö2012 - 5.pdf
¿ä¾à (A study on the design of the removable partial denture in the identical master cast of the leprosy patient)

Dong-Chan Oh D.D.S*, Young-Tag Lee, Sung-Lim Lee, Jin-Ah Jung, Hyun-Chul Song, Young-A Youn, Kill-sam Kim, Jeong-Hee Choi, Eun-Kyoung Go

National Sorock Hospital, Gwang Yang Health College


The upper and the lower master models of Class ¥± mod.1 by the Kennedy of classification were duplicated to the dentists in the dental clinic Suncheon, and the status of the surveying procedure, the form and type of the major connector, the form and type of the direct retainer, the location and status of the indirect retainer, and the modification of abutment were surveyed and analyzed and were compared to the principles of the design rationale of the removable partial denture to evaluate whether or not each component of the removable partial denture framework designed by the dentists.

The analyzed results were as follows:

1. The status with or without the surveying procedure was showed 7 cases(10.29%) and 61 cases(89.71%) respectively.

2. Single palatal strap, A-P bar, broad palatal plate, complete coverage palatal major connector, single palatal bar, U-shaped palatal connector, and the others without drawing of the major connector were 27 cases(38.57%), 25 cases(35.71%), 5 cases(7.01%), 4 cases(5.71%), 2 cases(2.86%), 1 cases(1.43%), 6 cases(8.57%) respectively in the design patterns of the maxillary major connectors, and lingual bar, linguoplate, and others without drawing of the major connector were 55 cases(80.88%), 11 cases(16.18%), 2 cases(2.84%), respectively in the pattern of the mandibular major connectors.

3. The direct retainer designed to the 1st bicuspid of the upper left and the lower right adjacent to the free-end edentulous area was that the design of bar clasp was 67.41% in the highest rate and that of Akers clasp was 23.36%.

4. The direct retainer designed to the 1st bicuspid of the upper right and the lower left was that the of Akers clasp was 56.62% in the highest rate and that of bar clasp was 33.82%

5. The mesial rests of the 1st bicuspid of the upper left and the lower right adjacent to the free-end edentulous area were 77.46%, 66.20% respectively and the distal rests and mesial rests of the 1st bicuspid of the upper left and the lower right were 58.82%, 55.71%, 38.24%, 38.57% respectively and the mesial rests of the 2nd molar of the upper right and the lower left were 95.71%, 95.65% respectively, viewed from the location of the occlusal rest seat.

6. The cases without the design of the indirect retainer were 51.47% in the upper and the lower master models respectively.

7. The modification of abutments(surveyed crown) of upper and lower teeth were 8.82%, 8.82% respectively.