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ÀúÀÚ ±èÁ¾ÇÊ, ÀÌ·¡È¯ ¼Ò¼Ó Çѱ¹ÇѼ¾º¹ÁöÇùȸ ¿¬±¸¿ø
³âµµ 2009 ±Ç 42
È£ 1 ¹øÈ£ 4
½ÃÀÛÆäÀÌÁö 55 ³¡ÆäÀÌÁö 66
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¿ä¾à According to the reports, the prevalence of anti-HCV is about 1%. In past, the results of the high prevalence of anti-HCV in the patients of Hansen's disease were reported. So we study about the Status of Hepatitis C of persons affected Hansen¡¯s disease.
1. The prevalence of anti-HCV is 35.1%(persons affected Hansen¡¯s disease), 0%(health contact), 0.71%(control, general populations).
2. Positivity of RT PCR is 88% in HCV-Ab-positive persons affected Hansen¡¯s disease. In the genotype of hepatitis C, type 1 genotype is 68%, and type 2 is 32%.
3. Statistical signification between patients & non-patients in ALT and HCV-Ab-positivity is found P=0.02, P=0.00) and statistical signification according to result of Hepatitis C antibody in ALT, GTT, and AFP is found in persons affected Hansen¡¯s disease(P=0.015, P=0.036, P=0.017).

key Words: Hansen's disease, Hepatitis C Virus.
