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제목 Experimental Study on the Presence of Acid Fabt Bacilli in Human Embryonal Tissues
저자 Jae Sik Kim, Kye Nam Kim, Jae Hwan Kim, Hee Sook Park, and Joong Myung Kim 소속 Dept. of Clinical Pathology, Kyungpook National University, School of Medicine, Taegu, Korea
년도 1969 6
1 번호
시작페이지 47 끝페이지 50
요약 Authors performed an experimental study on the presence of A.F.B. in 190 embryonal
tissues which were obtained from artificial curretages on pregnant healthy women of
1-4 month gestation. The chloroform concentration of A.F.B. revealed 16 positive
cases(5.43%) among 190 cases with Ziehl-Neelsen's stain. Authors have been interested
much to the high positivity rate on the materials from multiparas. It has been noticed
that the presence of A.F.B. in the skin and other internal organ will give great attention
to the experiment of inoculation with leprosy bacilli.