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³âµµ 2019 ±Ç 52
È£ 1 ¹øÈ£ 2
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÷ºÎ ÇѼ¾»ç¾÷´ë»óÀÚ ºóÇ÷ ¾ç»ó ºÐ¼®.pdf
¿ä¾à In this study, we found that the prevalence of anemia in the persons affected leprosy aged over 60
years was higher than other past reports of general population over 60 years in Korea. So we will
consider about the evaluation of higher prevalence of anemia in persons affected leprosy, causes
of anemia, especially dapsone-related & other underline disease and management plan for anemia
in them by the in-depth studies.

▪ Key Words : anemia, persons affected leprosy