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÷ºÎ 2014-2³ªÇÐȸÁö2014 - ÃÖÁ¾.pdf
¿ä¾à The Analysis of Causes of Anemia in Persons affected leprosy

Jong-Pill Kim M.D., Seok-Woo Kim M.D., Yeon-Sil Kim M.D.
Institute for Leprosy Research, Korean Hansen Welfare Association


The anemia still remains the most common hematologic disorder in the world despite improvements in general health and nutrition. Recently, the prevalence of anemia in the persons affected leprosy aged over 60 years was reported 22.4% in 60-69 years and 47.4% in 70 years or older in male and was reported 33.8% in 60-69 years and 46.0% in 70 years or older in female.

This study was aimed at assessing the causes of anemia in the persons affected leprosy aged over 60 years. For evaluation of anemia, including prevalence, typing, and cause, hemoglobin, MCV(mean corpucular volume), RDW(red blood cell distribution width), ferritin, iron, TIBC, reticulocyte count, serum vitamin B12, serum folate and etc were checked.

The proportion of the anemia classified by MCV was 6.6%(microcytic), 63.2%(normocytic), and 30.3%(macrocytic) and a half of the anemia was attributed to chronic diseases, 14.5% to anemia of iron deficiencies, 5.3% to anemia of nutrient(vitamin B12 & folate) deficiencies, 3.9% to anemia of hemolysis, and a quarter(27.6%) was ¡°unexplained¡±. We will consider about the evaluation of more detailed causes of anemia in persons affected leprosy, and management plan for anemia in them by the in-depth studies.

Key Words; anemia, persons affected leprosy