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Background : Nerve conduction study(NCV) in elderly patients is considered as a useful diagnostic tool for elderly patients with peripheral neuropathy. Objective : Here the author investigates parameters of NCV in elderly Hansen patients out of Sorokdo hospital and compares them with those of healthy elders. Methods : The author enrolled 28 patients who were visiting OPD for surgical wound care. Out of them 8 patients were dropped off because of hypersensitive response to the test stimulation or having failed to attatch the electrodes on severely deformed hands and fingers. Consequently parameters of NCV such as latency, amplitude, and conduction velocity in upper extremities of 20 patients were investigated and compared with those of healthy elders at similar age range. Results : The patients were 12 in male and 73 years old on the average. In sensory nerve study, the parameters for median nerve showed 5.52¡¾3.5msec in latency, 23.01¡¾16.71uV in amplitude, and 29.03¡¾13.16m/s in conduction velocity. For ulnar nerve, 5.82¡¾3.76, 19.48¡¾11.51, and 27.61¡¾13.19 respectively. In motor nerve study, parameters for median nerve showed 9.35¡¾1.64, 3.45¡¾2.03, 47.95¡¾9.91 respectively. And for ulnar nerve, they were 9.13¡¾1.20, 2.95¡¾2.50, and 43.70¡¾7.24 respectively. In comparison with healthy elders, latency for Hansen patients was prolonged longer, lower amplitude, and also slower nerve conduction velocity. Conclusion : This study was performed for elderly Hansen patients for the first time demestically. Even the results may not be generalized for the whole Hansen patients because of the limited number of study cases and not being standarized according to the grade of disability, this study may be considered as a useful reference for further NCV for Hansen patients.
Key Words : Amplitude, Elderly, Hansen patients, Latency, Nerve conduction study, NCV, Velocity. |