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¿ä¾à Hansen¡¯s disease, chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. The different clinical presentations of the disease are determined by the quality of the host immune response. The bacteria have affinity for the peripheral nerves and are likely the cause of neuropathy, a cardinal manifestation of the disease. WHO recommends a protocol of multidrug therapy(MDT), which effectively controls the disease, hence contributing to the global elimination program. Early detection of leprosy and treatment by MDT are the most important steps in preventing deformity and disability. For the understanding of recent characteristics of the new & relapse Hansen¡¯ disease in Institute for Leprosy Research Korea, we are summarized and reported the epidemiological factors.
During recent 5 years(2004-2008), we were experienced 26 new cases and 12 relapse cases of Hansen¡¯s disease in our institute, diagnosis by the clinical finding, skin smear, skin biopsy, lepromin test, ELISA for PGL-I antibody, and DNA-PCR.

The results obtained were summarized as follows:
1. In 26 new cases, the mean age is 64.11 in 18 Koreans and 27.75 in 8 foreigners(Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand), the types of Hansen¡¯s disease are 19 lepromatous, 2 borderline and 5 tuberculoid, mean BI is 3.7+, mean O.D. of PGL-I antibody is 0.697, numbers of TTC repeat are 12(7 cases), 11(6 cases), 13(5 cases), 10(4 cases), 16(2 cases), and 31(1 case) and of GACATC repeats are 4(all 18 Koreans) and 3(all 8 foreigners). Among 26 new cases, 1 case(53ACC/GCC) has the mutation of folP1 gene and all new cases have no mutation of rpoB gene.
2. In 12 relapse cases(all Koreans), the mean age is 61.08, the types of Hansen¡¯s disease are all 12 lepromatous, mean BI is 4.8+,and mean O.D. of PGL-I antibody is 0.960, and numbers of TTC repeat are 11(6 cases), 12(4 cases), and 13(1 case), and of GACATC repeats are 4(all 12 Koreans). Among 12 relapse cases, 3 cases(55CCC/CGC) and 1 case(53ACC/GCC) have the mutation of folP1 gene and 3 cases(425TCG/TTG) and 1 case(420CAC/GAC) have the mutation of rpoB gene. 2 relapse cases have the mutation of folP1 & rpoB gene.

Key Words: Hansen¡¯ disease, new, relapse.