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Á¦¸ñ Studies on Leprosy Control under the Activity of Paramedical Worker in Kyungpook Area
ÀúÀÚ Dong Kil Byun, Yung Ma Ha, and Kyo Yun Lee ¼Ò¼Ó Department of Dermatology, Kyungpook University School of Medicine
³âµµ 1968 ±Ç 5
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½ÃÀÛÆäÀÌÁö 13 ³¡ÆäÀÌÁö 24
¿ä¾à Recently, the leprosy control in Korea has been gradually developed to home patient
treatment from isolation treatment in the past. For this purpose. A considerable amount
of anti-leprosy mobile work has been carried out sporadically. However, its activity has
been restricted to only a certain areas and the results were not satisfactory to solve
problems of leprosy in this country.
In 1967, a county-wide leprosy control was planned by the Korea government which
was accelerated with the visit of Dr. Dharmendra, the WHO leprosy consultant in
Korea. According to this plan, the well trained paramedical workers joined to this
leprosy control since May 1967, and about ten paramedical workers were assigned to
each Gun(country) and they were supervised by a medical doctor of mobile team twice
a month.
Authors happened to join this honorable work at Kyungpook area, and a brief study
was done concerning to the distribution of the patients, activity of lesions of the patient,
the problems of case finding and the attendance of patients to treatment, With the
results obtained during 6 months work till December, 1967.
The results are as follows;
1. Total home patients registered in Kyungpook province were 3,376. More patients
were found in southern district and the distribution of patient showed parallel to the
density of population.
2. Among total of 2,326 patients who have already registered in health center in the
past, 2,031(87.3%) were confirmed by paramedical workers, however 1,019(50.2%) leprosy
patients were living in the home which corresponds to the registered address including
640 patients who were confirmed by this 6 months' survey work.
3. The number of newly registered patients were 542, among them 142 patients were
not specifically treated at all.
4. The order of frequency according to type of disease were tuberculoid type 43.4% ,
lepromatous type 40.2%, indeterminate group 14.9%, and borderline group 1.5%.
5. As to the activity of lesions, 23.3% had active lesion, and generally speaking there
were more patients with active lesion in newly registered patients(26.8%) than those of
confirmed cases registered in health center in the past(12.2%).
6. Lepromatous type(56.5%) was predominant among active patients, while in inactive
patients, tuberculoid type was predominant(50.7%).
7. Among newly registered patients, 68.3% were detected by information and 17.5%
were volunteer, however detection on the road, detected through examination of person
who contact with patient(family), and detected through other methods were very few.
Similar results were obtained at government mobile team, however in the Leprosy
Mission team, detection through contact and skin clinic seemed superior to information.
8. Lepromatous leprosy was the predominant type among the patients detected by
information, however tuberculoid leprosy was the predominant type among the patients
detected by the methods other than information.
9. Of the all patients, 59.0% attended regularly to treatment while 20,7% received
treatment irregularly, and 20.3% refused to attend. The following is the attending status
in various conditions.
1) Higher attending rate were seen at the Leprosy Mission team in comparison with
government team.
2) No significant variation of attendance were noticed in different sexes.
3) Lower attending rate was noticed in the age group of over 51 than the younger
4) More frequent attendance were noticed in married patients than in unmarried
5) Higher attending rate were seen in the patients of lower class in economy and
6) Active patient attended more actively than inactive patient.
7) Increasing degree of the severity of lesion made the tendency of higher attendance.
8) Patient who has ulcer over foot attended paradoxically in high rate than the patient
who does not have it.
9) The difficulty of transportation plays an important role in decreasing attending