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Á¦¸ñ ¶óÀÚ·Î(Lazarus)¿Í ÇѼ¾ º´
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³âµµ 2006 ±Ç 39
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½ÃÀÛÆäÀÌÁö 57 ³¡ÆäÀÌÁö 62
÷ºÎ ¶óÀÚ·Î(Lazarus)¿Í ÇѼ¾ º´.hwp
¿ä¾à The name of St. Lazarus is commonly found in relation with leprosarium throughout the world but the historical background about how it has been used is less well known.
Originally Lazarus was the man who was resurrected by Jesus Christ four days after his death caused by an illness. Considering the unique personal history of Lazarus, it is understandable that Lazarus was revered as the patron for patients with serious illnesses in the society of Christianity thereafter. The actual popularity of his name in Europe was from the era of Crusade in Middle Age, when the Order having its name was first founded. The Order contributed greatly for the leprous patients rapidly increased in Europe after the Crusade. Subsequently lazarhouse came to be regarded as leprosarium. At the present time, the Order is still working for the poor countries and human rights.

key word :¡¡Lazarus, leprosarium