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Á¦¸ñ Epidemiological and Socio-medical Observatiens on Leprosy Patients of the National Ik-San Hospital (Leprosarium), Ik-San-Gun, Cholla-Pukdo, Korea
ÀúÀÚ Ki Suk Whang ¼Ò¼Ó Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Woo-Seuk University, Medical College, Seoul, Korea
³âµµ 1967 ±Ç 4
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½ÃÀÛÆäÀÌÁö 103 ³¡ÆäÀÌÁö 114
¿ä¾à The author carried out epidemiological observations on 884 leprosy patients
accommodated at the National Ik-San Leprosarium. The survey was conducted during
the period from September, 1961 through August, 1962 and the following conclusions
were noted:
1. The sea ratio (male/female) was 1.2 : 1, and the distribution of in-patients by their
native provinces was; Cholla-Namdo and-Pukdo, 86.3% : Kyongsang-Namdo and Pukdo
7.7%: Chung-Cheong-Namdo and-Pukdo, 6.1% and others less than 1%.
2. As to their occupation and educational background, 45.0% of them were
unemployees included women from rural area, 43.6% of them were engaged in farming,
and 28.0% of the patients were so illiterate as to merely understand the Korean alphabet
and those with higher educations were very rare.
3. Periods from onset to hospital admission varied markedly. 15.0% of the patients
spent a year prior to admission, 8.7% 2 years, 7.0% 5 years and very few spent more
than 30 years. The duration of their hospitalization was from 1 to 13 years were in the
majority, occupying 12.1% of the total cases.
4. The family history of these patients indicated that 34.0% of the cases came from
leprous backgrounds and 66.0% of the remainder did not. 12.0% of those came from
infected families had also leprosy among their brothers or sisters.
5. As to the age of onset, the age group of 15 to 19 years were highest incidence
31.3%, and the group from 20 to 24 years subsequently occupied 20.6% of total. The
youngest age group was from 0 to 4 years, which occupied 0.3% and the oldest age
group was from 50 to 59 years, or 1.1%.
6. The initial symptoms were the alteration of sensation of invaded sites which
appeared in 71.7% of the entire cases. There were skin ulcerations in 6.0%, leucoplakia
in 4.7%, nodules in 4.4%, vesicles in 3.5%, erythema and edema in 2.8% each and the
lepromatous type was 2.5 times higher than the non-lepromatous type when these were
classified in accordance with standard. The initial lesions were observed in the lower
extremities in 52.3%, the upper extremities in 27.3% and the face in 10.2%
7. Investigating their home medication prior to admission, it was found that 63.5% of
the cases had used sulfone drugs, and 8.4% herb medicines.
8. Classifying the current status of the leprous type of 884 cases at the time of
survey, it was found that the lepromatous type(L) was 72.0% and non-lepromatous type
28.0%. It was also revealed with Wade's method that 38.3% of the total cases were
bacteriologically positive while 61.7% were negative.
9. A check on admission records, in relation to the direct causes of death for
inpatients during the past 11 years(1951¡­1961), indicated that among a total of 124
deaths, 25.0% were due to so-called "leprous emaciation", and 15.3% each were due to
hepatic and pulmonary tuberculosis. 13.7% of all deaths were in the age group from 45
to 49 years of age showing a higher frequency than other age groups. It was also
noticed that 57.3% of all deaths were from the lepromatous type and 42.7% from the
non-lepromatous type.
10. The length of the disease period from the time of onset to death was; 15 to 19
years duration accounted for 19.3% of all deaths, 20 to 24 years 17.7%, 30 to 34 years
15.3%, and the shorter period less than 4 years was 0.8%. The average case fatality
rate of all cases during the past 11 years was 0.9% respectively