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Á¦¸ñ Epidemiological Trends in Hansen's Disease in Korea based on Statical Data
ÀúÀÚ Shi Ryong Choi ¼Ò¼Ó Chronic Disease Laboratory, Catholic University Medical College, Seoul, Korea
³âµµ 1991 ±Ç 24
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½ÃÀÛÆäÀÌÁö 48 ³¡ÆäÀÌÁö 63
¿ä¾à This is a study if epidemiology trends in Hanson's Disease(HD) patients, based on age
distribution, sex distinction, ratio of multibacillary to paucibacillar HD cases, and trends
in bacteriologically-positive rates. The data was obtained from the "Statistical Year
Books" issued by th Korean Leprosy Control Association from 1983 to 1990, which is a
record of registered HD patients and newly discovered HD cases. Furthermore, this
study contains data regarding the socio-medical aspects of newly discovered HD cases
1. In the age distribution of already registered patients and newly discovered patients
during the period of 1982 to 1987, there has been a gradual increase in the over-50 age
group which accounts for more than half of all the patients in Korea. At the same time.
however, there has been steady drop in cases as they decease in age, with a rapid
decrease of cases under 30 years of age, the vast majority being older and aging cases.
2. In comparing the rate of male to female case there is almost no distinction among
the hospitalized and those residing in HD communities : but among those patients who
live in their own homes there are more than 2 times more roses among males. Although
this trend is slowly decreasing it is an important fact to be noted, as it seems to
indicate environmental and/or cultural rather than physiological factors (for example,
female patients are hesitant to approach in confidence a male paramedic and female
paramedics are virtually non-existent).
3. Until 1974 there were more paucibacillary than multibacillary cases, but since 1975
there are comparatively more multibacillary than paucillary patients : as a result in the
period from 1985-1989, the ratio of multibacillary to paucillary was 1.74 to 1 in
registered cases and 2.07 to 1 in newly discovered patients.
4. In 1982, the rate of bacteriologically positive roses among registered patients was
10,4% , but in 1989 this rate deceased to 6.4%. When breaking down these figures
further into types of patients, there was a decrease of positive in hospitalized patients
from l1.l% to 3.0%, a decrease of positivity in patients living in HD villages from 4.7%
to 1.7%, and a decrease in positivity of patients residing in individual homes from 14.5%
to 10.4%. Among these types of patients, the rate of bacteriological positivity of patients
residing in individual homes was the highest. Further, the rate of bacteriological
positivity of patients residing in individual homes was the highest, Further, the rate of
positivity in newly discovered cases in 1982 was 40.6%, but increased to 60.6% by 1989.
5. Some socio-medical aspects of newly discovered HD cases are as follows :
5-1. Up until 1980 there were more newly discovered cases than patients who died : but
from 1981 those who died outnumbered the new cases, and the registered cases began
to decline. The yearly average of newly-discovered patients numbered 796 between
1975-1979, 413 between 1980-1984 and 151 between 1985-1989, showing a rapid
decrease, on the other hand, the number of deaths during those same yearly division
numbered 498, 545 and 560, respectively, showing a slight increase.
5-2. During the period from 1975-1909, the rate of discovery of new patients from
voluntary examinations was highest and showed a rising trend. In terms of those
patients discovered through mass examinations, contact examinations and notifications,
there was a gradual lowering in the number of case findings.
5-3. In regard to newly discovered patients throughout the period from 1984-1989, most
had never received any kind of treatment although the rate of those who had been
treated previously for more than 5 years showed an increasing trend, and the patients
who had received treatment for less than 1 year to less than 5 years were decreasing.
Futhermore, the period of delay between the onset of the disease and registering among
the newly discovered patients was mostly over 10 years, accounting for roughly 50% of
these patients; a delay of less than 3 years in registering increased, while a delay of
more than 3 years but less than 10 years decreased
5-4. Among the newly-discovered patients, there was a comparatively high degree of
physically handicapped patients, and that rate increased
5-5. As to the educational levels of the newly-discovered patients the percentage of
those who graduated from primary school was 40%, while the percentage of illiterate
was roughly 30%, showing a relatively few standard of education. As to their means of
livelihood, the vast majority were farmers and those engaged in animal husbandry, while
the vast minority were involved in industry or fishing. Also, as for as their standard of
living is concerned, tier half were in the poverty range, followed next by middle class
patients; among the newly-discovered patients, 14% had requested relief.