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Á¦¸ñ A Study on Eye Changes in Leprae Reactions
ÀúÀÚ Sung Jun Choi ¼Ò¼Ó Institute for Leprosy Research, KLCA
³âµµ 1991 ±Ç 24
È£ 1 ¹øÈ£
½ÃÀÛÆäÀÌÁö 44 ³¡ÆäÀÌÁö 47
¿ä¾à A study on the eye changes in leprae reactions was carried out in 38 leprosy patients
with ENL And the following results were obtained.
1. Of the 38 patients with ENL 16 cases had pre-existing ocular complications;
Madarosis : 8 cases, Lagopthalmos ; 3 cases, Ectropion ; 2 cases, Ectropion with
trichiasis : 2 cases, Exposure keratitis : 2 cases, Chronic iridocyclitis : 3 cases,
2. Among the 38 patients with ENL Acute iridocyditis developed in 9 cases (24%) once
or more. Of the 9 cases, 5 acute iridocyditis cases occurred in the pre-existing
complicated eyed and 4 cases developed in healthy eyes And 2 acute iridocyditis cases
were combined with episcleritis.
3. Of the 9 acute iridocyditis patients 3 cases had suffered from eye pains, and
photophobia, blurring of vision, lacrimation, eyeball tenderness were appealed in 6, 8, 5,
and 2 cases respectively.
4. Transient decrease in visual acuity was detected by visual acuity tests in 3 severe
acute iridocyditis cases, and all 9 cases showed pericorneal redness By slit lamp
examination, all nine case showed flare cello but only 1 rose showed keratic precipitate
and hypopyon was not detected in no case.
5. 1 case out of 19 mind ENL cases, 3 cases out of 10 moderate ENL cases and 5
cases out of 9 Severe ENL patients developed acute iridocrclitis. So it was suggested
that the more severe the ENL were the more frequently eye complications developed/
6. Secondary glaucoma had developed in 1 acute iridocyclitis case.
7. All the acute iridocyclitis cases improved with the treatment of mydriatics and steroid
eye drops, But 3 cases waxed and waned along with ENL recurrences