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Á¦¸ñ Some STS Fidings among Leprosy Patients
ÀúÀÚ Kim Joo Deuk, M.D. C, M. M. Sc., and Lew Joon ¼Ò¼Ó Dept. Microbiology Yonsei University, Medical College. World Vision Special Skin Clinic
³âµµ 1965 ±Ç 3
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½ÃÀÛÆäÀÌÁö 15 ³¡ÆäÀÌÁö 22
¿ä¾à Since the use of penicillin for the treatment of syphilis, the prevalence of syphilis was
decreased. But now-a-days, the awakening of syphilis is reported in the foreign
countries, and in this country, there is a tendency to increase in syphilitic patients. It
may be thought because the use of penicillin is lessened due to side action such as
penicillin shock, immoral sexual habits, and development of penicillin resistance to T.
It is well known that the serological tests are important for the diagnosis of syphilis.
In the previous report, it was noted that seroreactive percentage in the leprosy
patients is higher than the other examination groups.
The purpose of this report is to support the previous data in leprosy patients and to
compare the results of the VDRL, Kolmer, and RPCF tests.
Two hundred and ninty one sera of leprosy patients were examined by the VDRL,
Kolmer, and RPCF tests. The sera were collected at random from the out-patients at
the Special skin Clinic in seoul. All patients were under medical supervision and
treatment when their sera were taken.
In 291 sera, 135 were from lepromatous leprosy, 105 from tuberculoid leprosy, and 51
from other groups (Dimorphous and Indeterminated).
The results are obtained as followings :
1. Of the 291 sera, the VDRL test was reactive in 9.3%, the Kolmer test in 20.2%,
and the RPCF test in 6.9% .
It is believed that reactive sera to RPCF test (6.9%) are syphilitic because that the
specificity and sensitivity of this test are very high. It was conformed by various
This data are similar to those of other investigators in Korea. But comparing to the
reports in foreign countries, it is low. It might be thought that there are no other
spirochetal diseases (Pinta, Yaw, etc. ) except syphilis in Korea but in foreign countries.
2. It was found that the reactivity in lepromatous type was higher than other types in
non-treponemal tests (VBRL, Kolmer). It may be due to the biological false positivity of
those tests.
3. Of the reactive sera to the RPCF test, some were not agreement with the VDRL
and Kolmer tests.