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Á¦¸ñ A case of histoid leprosy simulating clinically sporotrichosis
ÀúÀÚ Young Ho Won, Inn Ki Chun, and Young Pio Kim ¼Ò¼Ó Dept. of Dermatology, Chonam National University Medical School, Kwangju city, Korea
³âµµ 1989 ±Ç 22
È£ 1 ¹øÈ£
½ÃÀÛÆäÀÌÁö 61 ³¡ÆäÀÌÁö 67
¿ä¾à Histoid leprosy is characterized by nodular skin lesion as a rare variant of
lepromatous leprosy, and has a close relation to the relapse of leprosy in its
pathogenesis. However it can develop also in the new patients who have not been
treated for leprosy.
The patient was 32-year-old, well developed and healthy farmer, and had not a
history of leprosy. The skin lesions on the first visit were single nodular pad in the
dorsum of his right hand having a duration of 2 years and several nodules arranged in
a linear fashion having a duration of 3 months. So it was considered as being
sporotrichosis with clinical lesions and a history of local trauma. After a skin biopsy
and fungal examination, it was diagnosed as histoid leprosy. Erythematous nodular
eruption of the usual lepromatous leprosy was symmetrically developed on the
extremities three weeks after skin biopsy. As mentioned above, we reported an unusual
case of histoid leprosy simulating clinically sporotrichosis.