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Á¦¸ñ Status of New Leprosy Patients
ÀúÀÚ Oh Jin Kwon#, Sang Lip Chung#, Do Won Kim#, Do Young Choi##, and Sung Hwa Kim### ¼Ò¼Ó Dept. of Dermatology, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine#, Dept. of Dermatology, Fatima Hospital## Chilgok Cathlic Skin Chinic###, Taegu, Korea
³âµµ 1987 ±Ç 20
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¿ä¾à Recent trends of new leprosy patients in dermatologic clinics are observed. We have
reviewed all of the new leprosy patients diagnosed from January 1980 to December 1985
in dermatologic clinics at Kyungpook National University Hospital, Fatima Hospital, The
Leprosy Mission Jesus Hospital, and Chilgok Catholic Skin Clinic.
1) A total of 265,120 out-patients visited the above dermatologic clinics, and among
them 305 patients (1.2%)were diagnosed for the first time as having leprosy. The annual
number of new leprosy patients in the last 6 years has not shown a noticeable change,
but, compared to that of late 1970¡¯s has decreased markedly.
2) The sex ratio was male : female 1.2:1.
3) The most common age of onset was in the 5th decade.
4) The type of leprosy in order of frequency was B-leprosy(138 patients, 45.2%),
L-leprosy(77 patients, 25.3%) , T-leprosy (55 patients, 18.0%), and I-leprosy(35 patients,
5) By seasonal distribution, 98 patients (32.1%) presented in the spring, 85 patients
(27.9%) in the summer, 74 patients (24.3%) in the winter, and 48 patients(15.7%) in the
fell in decreasing order.
6) The most prevalent bacterial index ranged from 3.0-3.9(21.5%).
7) The most common initial clinical manifestation was macule or anesthesia, which
occurred most frequently on the extremities.
8) Of the 188 patients on whom biopsies were done, 131 (69.7%) showed correlation
clinically and histopathologically. Among them B-leprosy and L-leprosy had the higher
percentages of clinical and histopathoiogical correlation.