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Á¦¸ñ An Epidemiological Study of Leprosy in the Yong-Dong Area and Part of the Yong-Seo Area, Kang-Won Province, Korea
ÀúÀÚ Shi Ryong Choi ¼Ò¼Ó Chronic Disease Laboratory, Catholic Medical College Seoul, Korea
³âµµ 1985 ±Ç 18
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¿ä¾à From August 1982 to December 1984, for a period of two years and five months, 103
leprosy patients (78 males and 25 females), covering several family generations and
residing at home in the Yong-Dong Area and part of the Yong-Seo Area of Kang-Won
Province, were observed and divided into those boar and reared in the area(Group A),
those with parents who were born in other provinces or who were natives of
Kakg-Won Province (Group B) and those who were born in other provinces and moved
to Kang-Won Province (Group C). Age, sex, age at on-set of the illness, year of
on-set, place of birth, area in which the illness was recognized, type of illness,
treatment status, extent of contact with leprosy patients, along with the routing of the
spread of the illness, were observed and compared and the following results were
arrived at.
1. For those over the age of 50, the sequence was 64.7% (Group A), 48.0% (Group C)
and 30.8% (Group B) and the male-female ratio was 3.6:1 (Croup A), 3.3:1 (Group B)
and 2.1:1 (Group C).
2. Regarding the age at the time of the on-set of the illness, Group A was highest
with 32.3% between the age of 20-29 while both Croup B and C were highest between
birth and 19 years of age. In addition, it was seen that the year of on-set was high in
Group A and C between 1950 and 1959 while Group B revealed many cases of on-set
between 1960 and 1969. Especially to be noted is the fact that all the patients in Group
B were diagnosed after 1950 and that, in all Groups, there was no evidence of on-set
after 1980.
3. Concerning the place of birth 83.1% in Group A were born in the Yong-Dong Area
and 16.9% in the Yong-Seo Area. In Group B, 61.5% were born in the Yong-Seo Area
and 38.5% in the Yong-Don Area. In Group C, 76.0% were born in originated in the
Yong-Nam Area, 16.0% in Chung-Chong provinces and 4.0% in other areas, with 72.0%
moving to Kang-Won Province after on-set, and 28.0% experiened on-set in Kang-Won
4. Considering the types of the illness, all Groups revealed a higher incidence of
lepromatous type than tuberculoid type, especially in Groups A and B which showed a
remarkably higher level in comparison. Also, at the time of on-set, nasal obstruction and
epistaxis were more evident in the cases of lepromatous type than in tuberculoid type.
5. In the order of regular treatment, Group C was 80.0%, Group A was 72.3% and
Group B was 53.8%. 81.5% received regular treatment for up to just under twenty
clears while only 57.1% received regular treatment for over thirty years. In relation to
the length of the time of treatment, the percentage of regular treatment is seen to drop.
6. 32.0% of patients had the same illness as relatives and neighbours.
7. It is considered that the spread of leprosy in Kang-Won Province started a long
time ago when leprosy patients from the Yong-Nam Area moved to the Yong-Dong
Area by travelling along the eastern coastline and, with the development of coal mines
in the Youg-Seo Area and title establishment of a settlement villages, tile illness
gradually spread inland.
In conclusion, the spread of leprosy in Kang-Won Province is slow and, thus, is not a
matter for great concern. However, in order to facilitate the regular treatment of
registered leprosy patients, the staff of health centres need continued direction and