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Á¦¸ñ Clinical Study on the Nerve Trunks of Upper Extremity in Leprosy
ÀúÀÚ Hae Yung Lee ¼Ò¼Ó Korean Leprosy Association Anyang, Korea
³âµµ 1984 ±Ç 17
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½ÃÀÛÆäÀÌÁö 61 ³¡ÆäÀÌÁö 84
¿ä¾à The motor nerve paralysis of the nerve trunks of upper extremity was examined
through voluntary muscle test from 144 leprosy Patients with both hands and the
following results were obtained.
1. Ulnar nerve paralysis ----------------------------------------------- 74.3%
Median nerve paralysis ---------------------------------------------- 13.1%
radial nerve paralysis ----------------------------------------------- 14.6%
2. Ulnar nerve mono-paralysis ------------------------------------------ 27.6%
Combined paralysis of ulnar and median nerve --------------------------- 52.3%
Triple paralysis (U+M+R) -------------------------------------------- 18.7%
Combined paralysis of ulnar and Radial nerve ---------------------------- 1.4%
3. Rate of motor nerve palsy in each type Lepromatous --------------------- 51.6%
Borderline --------------------------------------------------------- 38.0%
Tuberculoid -------------------------------------------------------- 40.2%
The sensory nerve palsy of the nerve trunks of upper extremity was checked through
sensation test from 144 leprosy patients with both hands and the following results were
1. Anesthesia of ulnar nerve supply area ---------------------------------- 74.7%
Anesthesia of median nerve supply area -------------------------------- 50.4%
Anesthesia of cutaneons radial nerve supply area ------------------------- 64.3%
2. Combination of sensory nerve paralysis Ulnar nerve alone ----------------- 10.6%
Median nerve alone -------------------------------------------------- 0.9%
Cut. radial nerve alone ------------------------------------------------ 1.9%
Ulnar+Median ------------------------------------------------------- 5.1%
Ulnar+radial --------------------------------------------------------- 6.5%
Ulnar+Median+cut. radial --------------------------------------------- 75.0%
3. Rate of sensory nerve pals) in each type Lepromatous -------------------- 71.2%
Borderline --------------------------------------------------------- 65.1%
Tuberculoid -------------------------------------------------------- 42.2%
From the analysis o( above data, it was well recognizes that in leprosy patients, ulnar
nerve is most frequently affected, next median nerve and radial nerve is rarely damaged.
In nerve trunk lesions, sensory and motor nerves are affected simultaneously, however
seems that loss of sensation appeared before motor nerve supply muscle weakness or
paralysis The combined ulnar and median nerve paralysis is seen quite frequently, Great
emphasis is given to physiotherapy and reconstructive surgery for these cases of nerve
trunk damage in order to give them metrical and social rehabilitation and diminish the
social prejudice and stigma against leprosy in leprosy control programs.