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Á¦¸ñ A Study of Socio-Medical Aspect of Settlement Villagers and Ambulatory Patients Who Are Suffering from Leprosy
ÀúÀÚ Yeong Mi Kim Shi Ryong Choi ¼Ò¼Ó Chronic Disease Laboratory, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea
³âµµ 1980 ±Ç 13
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¿ä¾à This survey was conducted to evaluate the health status of 162 leprosy patients in
settlement villages, St. Lazarus village for disabled leprosy patients and the Catholic
Medical College Chronic Disease Laboratory in Catholic medial Center based on the
Cornell Medical Index(C.M.I.). The number of "yes" responses of an individual patient
were collected and compiled for each section of C.M.I.
The number of "yes" responses were standardized by means of Z scoring. Z score
was obtained by the following formular.
m : mean of "yes" response by each section for all subjects.
¥ò : standard deviation of the mean.
Xi : number of "yes" responses for each section by an individual patient.
The results of obtained are as follows:
1. Female patients, in the sex category, show a higher score for mental inadequacy
(section M).
2. In the age group category, all age groups show a higher score for physical
inadequacy digestive tract(section D), nervous system(section G), frequency of
illness(section J) also mental inadequacy(section M).
3. The married, the unmarried and the devorced patients show a mean score level
with an exception of a relatively high score for skin(section F) and tension(section R) in
the married patients.
4. In the educational background category, the higher scores for frequency of
illness(section J), digestive tract(section D), nervous system(section G) and
inadequacy(section M) were noted among the primary school graduates more than those
from the other sections.
5. In the category referring living conditions, the higher scores for digestive
tract(section D), skin(section F), nervous system(section G), inadequacy(section M) and
anger(section Q) were noted among the middle class patients more than those from the
other sections.
6. In the category referring to leprosy type, T-type and B-group show an unstable
pattern in their response, the highest scores were found nervous system (section G),
fatigability(section I), frequency of illness(section J), inadequacy(section M) and
anger(section Q).
7. In the disclosure of disease category, over 90.7 percent of all patients demonstrated
a "no" response(p<0.05). In view of the birth place, many patients are from rural areas.
They have many difficulties with their job, and low living conditions because of the
disclosure of the disease.