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Á¦¸ñ The pathogenicity of Atypical Mycobacteria on Korean Chipmunk (Eutamias sibiricus asiaticus)
ÀúÀÚ Won Sook Kang, and Joon Lew ¼Ò¼Ó Dept. of Microbiology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
³âµµ 1976 ±Ç 10
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¿ä¾à The existence of atypical mycobacteria producing diseases in human which differs
from M. tuberculosis in cultural characteristics and in failure to produce progressive
diseases in experimental animal has been reported sporadically for many years and
recently it has become an important problem of mycobacteriosis in Korea, as well.
Pulmonary infection, skin infection, bone and joint infection, lymphadenitis and
generalized infection due to atypical mycobacteria are difficult to differentiate from
tuberculosis roentgenologically, clinically and pathologically in early stage. A high degree
of resistance to antituberculosis drugs with few exception is one of another
characteristics of atypical mycobacteria.
The lack of proper experimental animal for determining the pathogenicity and in vivo
efficacy of chemotherapeutics, development of vaccine and other futher studies of
atypical mycotacteria has been the utmost problem to be solved.
It has been known only mice and hamsters are susceptible to some species of atypical
mycobacteria but guinea pigs are resistant to all atrpical mycobacteria.
Chang et al and Lew et al reported that the Korean Chipmunk is very susceptible to
M. tuberculosis and M. leprae and claimed it as an ideal experimental animal.
Present investigation was undertaken to evaluated the pathogenicity of atypical
mycobacteria on Korean Chipmunk (Eutamias sibiricus asiaticus) hoping to develop an
experimental animal model.
Fifty Korean Chipmunks of either sex weighing about 100gm were inoculated through
intraperitoneum with 8 specials of atypical mycobacteria after homogenation in Agate
mortar and pestle with ccncentration of 2 mg/ml in sterile water. M. tuberculosis, M.
bovis and M. avium were tested as control.
Tuberculin test with PPD (1TU), obtained from Korea N.I.H.. was performed a week
before inoculation and prior to sacrifice the experimental animal. The animals were
sacrificed at 2, 6 and 10th week after inoculation, and gross observation, AFB detection,
pathologic examination, spleen culture on Ogawa media and chipmunk subtransmission
were carried out. The presence of AFB were detected by touch smear, concentration
smear and histopathologic examination after Ziehl-Neelsen's acid fast staining.
Histopathologic examinations were made after Hematoxylin-Eosin staining. Bacterial
culture was drone with homogenated spleen on the Ogawa media. M. marinum and M.
balnei were incubated at 31-33¡É and others were at 37¡É for 10 weeks.
The results obtained were summerized as follows:
1. Tuberculin test with PPD (1TU) showed negative reaction in both instance before
and after inoculation of various mycobacteria.
2. The clinical and autopsy findings of the chipmunk inoculated arith M. kansasii, M.
flavscens and M. fortuitum were normal, but M. tuberculosis and M. bovis inoculated
animals revealed numerous lesions with marked adhesion between organs.
3. The AFB could be detected from all the chipmunk inoculated except M. kansasii,
M. flavescens and M. fortuitum inoculated animals and spleen and liver showed high
degree of Gaffky score.
4. The pathologic findings were distinct except M. kansasii, M. flavescens and M.
fortuitum inoculated group within 6 weeks, and spleen and liver were more prominent.
5. M. scrofulaceum and M. phlei previously known as nonpathogenic to any animal
host, virulently pathogenic to the Korean Chipmunk.
6. M. kansasii and M. fortuitum which are known to produce progressive disease in
hamsters and mice were not pathogenic to Korean Chipmunk.
7. Bacterial culture of M. marinum, M. balnei, M. scrofulaceum, M. flavescens, M.
intracellulare, M. phlei, M. tuberculosis, M. bovis and M. avium on Ogawa media with
homogenated spleen were all positive within 10 weeks.
8. The pathogenic susceptibility of Korean Chipmunk 16 M. tuberculosis and M. bovis
were also confirmed.
With above results it is suggested that Korean Chipmunk is verb susceptible to
atypical mycobacteria as well as M. tuberculosis, M. bovis and can be used as an
suitable experimental animal model in atypical mycobacterial research.