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Á¦¸ñ Experimental Studios on DDS with Special Reference to Antimicrobial Activity and Its Distribution in Tissue, Blood and Urine
ÀúÀÚ Yong Ma Hah, and Jyung Myung Kim ¼Ò¼Ó Dept. of Clinical Pathology Kyungpo ok National University School of Medicine Taegu, Korea
³âµµ 1970 ±Ç 7
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½ÃÀÛÆäÀÌÁö 49 ³¡ÆäÀÌÁö 58
¿ä¾à Experimental studies on DDS, egdecially the distribution of DDS in organ and tissue
with administration activity were carried.
1) The minimal concentrations of inhibiting in a inhibiting growth of DDS were 1-2r/
§¢ on Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus albus 1,000r/§¢ on M. smegmatis, M.
phlei and M. avium and 250-500r/§¢ on M.tuberculosis hominis and M. tuberculosis
2) It revealed antagonisms between DDS and PABA and between PAS and PABA,
but the antagonism of the later was more remarkable than that of the former.
3) The concentration of DDS in the blood and various organs of the rabbit: the
highest levels were observed in the liver and kidney, and the lowest in the muscle,
brain and peripheral nerve. And the levels of DDS reached their highest peaks after 3
hours of oral admi-ni-stration in most of the organs and tissues.
4) The concentration of DDS in the group to which DDS was given in 3 successive
doses of 25§·, 50§· and 100§· each revealed a transitionally elevated level after 2 hours
of oral administration aned conatined a constant blood level. Another group to which
DDS was given in a single does of 100§· revealed the maximal blood level at 2 hours
after oral admistration of DDS. It decreased gradually remaining only at race after 24
5) In the human the total urinary content of DDS per 24 hours period was 23.5§·%
(94.0% of given dose) in the group administrated 25§· of DDS, and was 36.2§·%
(72.4%) in the group administrated 50§· of DDS. But in rabbit the excreted total amount
of DDS was 162§·% (81.0%) in the group give 200§· of DDS per head and its maximal
level was 15§·% at the 8th hour in the course of hourly determiantion of DDS in urine.
6) In vitro, the average concentration of DDS combined with whole blood, serum,
plasma and erythrocyte was 3.7§·%, 4.7§·%, 2.0§·% and 3.0§·% in the humans and
were 1.8§·% 6.8§·%, 1.3§·% and 1.0§·% in the rabbits.