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Á¦¸ñ Experimental Stuies on the Effect of BCG in Pretection and Treatpenl of Murine Leprosy in Rats
ÀúÀÚ Sung Youp Kim, Tae-Kyung Choi, and Joon Lew ¼Ò¼Ó Dept. of Microbiology College of Medicine, Yonsei University
³âµµ 1970 ±Ç 7
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¿ä¾à Following the original observation by Fernandez (1933) that BCG vaccination of
orphan who had been proved negative to both tuberculin and lepromin, resulted in
doubtlessly higher positive conversion rates than could be expected from a simple
repetition of the test, BCG vaccination to prevent leprosy has been suggested for many
years (Wade 1956, Fernandez 1962). Consequently, numerous clinical and field trials have
been carried out in attempts to prove the effectiveness of BCG vaccination both as a
stimulant for lepromin positive conversion and as a prophylactic implementation against
leprosy (Azulay 1948, Flock and Destombes 1950, Convit et at. 1952, Lowe and McNulty
1953, Souza Campos 1953, Brown et at. 1968, Bechelli et al. 1968).
Although it is strongly suggested that BCG vaccination is beneficial to individuals
exposed to infection with leprosy, the preventive action of BCG vaccination against
leprosy has not been demonstrated conclusively. Eventually, contradictory conclusions
have been arrived at Congresses, Conferences and Seminars on leprosy, which have
sometime advised its use (Madrid Congress 1953) white others have not (Tokyo
Congress 1958).
As stated by Rees and Waters (1963), although the murine leprosy neither involves
nerves nor manifests a ¡°tuberculoid¡± picture, nor responds to all the same therapeutic
drugs as the human disease, there are fundamental similarites in problems still requiring
elucidation which it is suggester can be better studied at this time in murine leprosy.
Experimental murine leprose has been widely utilized as the model in leprosy research
(Carpenter 1951, Lew and Carpenter :1953 Terada 1944, Toda 1943, Nishimura 1956,
Shimiza 1953, Hanks and Gray 1954).
There appeared many reports that explored the BCG effect on the prevention of
murine leprosy in experimental animals. (Azulay 1954, Hanks and Fernandez 1956,
Nakamura et al. 1953, Lew 1955, Muir and Henderson 1927, Ohjima et at. 1958, Hadler
and Zitti 1953). However, a careful analysis of reports on the effect of BCG vaccination
against murine leprosy in experimental animals indicated that the results were mostly
fragmentally and lacked quantitative experimentation in their approaches. Usually, BCG
vaccination resulted in favorable protective effect on murine leprosy in experimental
animals (Carpenter 1951, Azulay 1554, Lew 1955, Hanks And Fernandez 1956, Nishimura
et at. 1953, Ohjima et al. 1958), but some negative results have also been reported (Muir
and Henderson 1927, Hafter and Zitti 1953).
In this study it was attempted 1) to provide a conclusive evidence for the prophylactic
effectiveness oi BCG vaccination against murine leprosy in rats and 2) to explore the
pcssibility of vaccine treatment of fully developed murine leprosy with BCG.