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Á¦¸ñ A Survey on the Prejudices and Negative Attitudes Related to Leprosy in the 6 Guns of Chungchong Namdo Province
ÀúÀÚ Shi Ryeng Choi ¼Ò¼Ó Chronic Disease Laboratory and Catholic Leprosy Service, Catholic Medical Centre
³âµµ 1969 ±Ç 6
È£ 1 ¹øÈ£
½ÃÀÛÆäÀÌÁö 89 ³¡ÆäÀÌÁö 96
¿ä¾à A study was conducted by the author on the prejudices and negative attitudes toward
leprosy, of the general residents aged over 20 years in the 6 guns of Chungchong
Namdo Province, in the period of about 3 months from September to November 1968,
providing a questionnaire attached herewith, and which can be categorized as a) the
cause, symptom and cure of leprosy, b) the policy of leprosy control of the Government,
c) the degree of their concern with leprosy patients. The total who were interviewed,
are 4,264 persons of 2,240 male, 2,024female. And the results are as follows :
1. They exposed very weak medical knowledge about the cause, symptom and cure of
leprosy, and also that the greater part of the respondants did not know about the
leprosy control policies of the Government. They showed not much interest in leprosy.
2. The male showed more correct understanding of leprosy than the female, and when
it is observed by age brackets, those in the ages of 30-39 years and 20-29 years
showed the highest incidence in understanding leprosy but as the order of 60s, 50s and
40s showed more prejudice and negative attitude related to leprosy.
3. The degree of understanding leprosy is appeared to be in direct proportion to their
educational level-the higher educated showed the less prejudice and negative attitude
towards leprosy. And when it is observed by occupation, those who are engaged in
service responded with more correct answers in question of leprosy, and the farmers
next to it. Housewives gave more correct answers than those who have no occupation.
4. As it is considered that the prejudice and negative attitude related to leprosy is
mainly resulted from the weak medical knowledge about leprosy and not knowing well
of the leprosy control policies of the Government, it should still be more stressed for the
steady enlightening campaign to the nations about leprosy through mass-media or by all
auxiliary workers of Health Centres and Sub-centres.