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Á¦¸ñ Studies on Clinical Epidemiology of Domicilary Leprosy Patients in Wolsung Gun, Kyungpook Province
ÀúÀÚ Kye Han Kim, Chang Yong Kim, Hoon Young Jang, Chan Young Oh, and Jun Ryu ¼Ò¼Ó Bureau of Public Health, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Dept. of Microbiology, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
³âµµ 1969 ±Ç 6
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½ÃÀÛÆäÀÌÁö 69 ³¡ÆäÀÌÁö 78
¿ä¾à A series of studies on clinical epidemiology of 488 domiciliary leprosy patients in
Woolsung Gun, one of high endemic area of leprosy in Korea, were carried out. They
consisted of 375 newly discovered cases during total population survey from April 1963
to December 1965, and 113 of known registered cases in this area at the time of the
survey. The results are summarized and concluded as follows:
1. The case detection rate, i.e., number of newly detected leprosy cases per 1,000
population in Woolsung Gun through total population survey was 2.070. The age group
of 50-59 showed the highest detection rate of 5.009¢¶ Types of the decease were
78(20.8%) of lepromatous type, 210 (56.0%) of tuberculoid type and 87(23.2%) of
indeterminate group. Lepromatous rate was 0.430 per 1,000 population. Sex ratio (male:
female) was 1.96:1. Out of 375 newly detected cases, 60 (16.0%) were bacteriological
ositive at the time of the detection. Their age distribution ranged from 10 to 85 years
old. The highest incidence was observed in the age group of 35-39 and 45-49. Age at
the time of onset of the disease covered from 4 to 71 years old and a total of 223
(59.4%) belonged to the age group of 10 to 29. Duration between onset of the disease
and the time of detection ranged from less than 1 year to 57 years and 82(21.86%) was
detected within 5 years after the onset of disease, but 147(39.2%) was over 15 years.4
total of 142 (37.9%) had the history of previous anti-leprosy treatment. Out of 375
newly detected cases, 317 (84.5%) were born and living Woolsung Gun. Examinations
for deformity revealed that 211 (56.26%) had deformity of hand, 153 (40.8%) of foot and
176 (46.93%) of face. The remaining 105 (28.0%) was without deformity.
2. Of 113 known, registered domiciliary leprosy cases in Woolsung Gun at the time of
total population survey, 43 (38.1%) were of lepromatous type, 56 (49.5%) of tuberculoid,
and 24 (21.2%) of indeterminate group. Their sex ratio (male: female) was 3.7:1. Skin
bacteriology was positive only 8 (7.1%) cases.
3. In summary a total number of domiciliary leprosy cases in Woolsung Gun was 488
in 1965(375 of newly detected cases through total population survey in this area plus
113 of known, registered cases at the time of the survey). They consisted of 121
lepromatous type (24.8%), 266(54.5%) of tuberculoid type and 101(20.7%) of indeterminate
group, and these resulted in the lepromatous rate of 0.667 per 1,000 population. They
were 338 (69.2%) of male and 150 (30.8%) of female, and their sex ratio (male:female)
was 2.2:1. Their age distribution showed that of 479 (98,2%) belonged to the age group
of over 15 years of age, and only 9 cases (1.8%) were below 15 years of age.
Bacteriological examination of skin smears indicated that 68 (14.0%) were bacteriological