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제목 Three cases of squamous cell carcinoma arising in chronic ulcer in leprosy
저자 Sang Lib Chung, Sung Il Lee, and Jin Kwon Hong 소속 Dept. of Dermatology, Kyungpook National University, School of Medicine (Director: Prof. Soon Bong Suh)
년도 1969 6
1 번호
시작페이지 59 끝페이지 62
요약 Three cases of squamous cell carcinoma arising in chronic ulcer in advanced
lepromatous leprosy patients are reported. Case one in from Lt. plantar ulcer in a 39
year-old male, case two, from Lt. heel ulcer in a 63 year-old male and case three, from
Lt. hand ulcer in a 48 year-old mal with metastasis to regional lymphnode.