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Cancer cases with Hansen¡¯s disease in a national leprosarium, 1998-2005
1National Sorokdo Hospital, 2Jeonnam Regional Cancer Center, 3Chonnam National University Medical School
H. C Park1), K. D Lee1), M. J Choi1), S. S Kweon2), J. K Han1), M. H Shin3), J. S Choi3)
Hansen's disease is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. In 2002, 763,917 new cases were detected worldwide and more than a million persons are permanently disabled every year as a result of Hansen's disease. Mycobacterium leprae has not been shown to predispose patients to an increased risk for malignant tumors. Except squamous cell carcinoma in the leprous skin lesion, most of all types of cancer have not been reported the notable association with the disease. Nevertheless, cancer risks of Hansen's disease need the close attention because of the immunocompromised state of the disease as well as the possible DNA damage as an adverse effect of dapsone therapy. We collected the cancer cases who were admitted to a national leprosarium located in Jeonnam province, and compared the incidence of cancer to the general population using the regional cancer registry. Total of 77 cancer cases. male 48, female 29. with leprosy were reported from 1998 to 2005. Annual crude incidence rate per 100,000(CR) of total cancer has changed from 322.6 in 1998 to 2061.8 in 2005. The most common site of cancer was liver in males(22.9%) of all cancer. followed by stomach and lung. In females, cancer sites were somewhat evenly distributed throughout stomach, liver, breast and skin although the number of cases were small (3 case each, CR 104.9). The incidence of HCC was higher compared with in the general population. One of the possible explanations to this higher incidence HCC may be the higher prevalence of hepatitis in the patients with Hansen's disease. The prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibody in the patients of the leprosarium was 46.4%, while it was less than 3% in general population. The association between Hansen's disease and HCC need to be clarified.